Top "Google-sheets" questions

Use this tag for questions about interacting with Google Sheets programmatically.

How to format a duration as HH:mm in the new Google sheets

In the new Google sheets there's a way of formatting a number as a duration. Format -> Number -&…

time google-sheets duration formulas
Google Sheets API returns "The caller does not have permission" when using server key

I've generated a server key in the API Manager and attempted to execute the following on my Mac: curl 'https://…

google-api google-sheets google-sheets-api
Sum of row n through last row

I want to create a TOTAL row at the top of my spreadsheet. In this row, each cell should be …

google-sheets sum google-sheets-formula
How to do I locate a Google SpreadSheet ID? When using the Google Execution Api for Java, …

java google-apps-script google-sheets
Fill down - Google Apps Script for Spreadsheets

Is there a function that can fill down data to all empty cells from the row above? If not, could …

google-apps-script google-sheets
Using A Cell To Reference The Name Of Sheet In A Formula For Google Sheets

is it possible to place the name of the first worksheet in a cell and then use it in a …

How to address the current cell in conditional format custom formula?

I need to write a conditional format rule with a custom formula, that should trigger when the certain cell's (the …

google-sheets gs-conditional-formatting
Download link for Google Spreadsheets CSV export - with Multiple Sheets

I'm trying to find a link which allows me to download a CSV formatted version of my Google Spreadsheet. Currently …

google-sheets google-visualization google-sheets-export-url
Summarize grouping by year and month

I have a worksheet Movements with two fields: mydate | amount 2009-01-01 | 10.00 2009-01-02 | 13.00 2009-02-01 | 11.00 2009-02-05 | 12.00 2009-02-08 | 52.00 …

Get Sheet By Name

I'm trying to get the following formula to work: function setDataValid(range, sourceRange) { var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(sourceRange, true).…

google-apps-script google-sheets