Top "Google-play" questions

Google Play is an integrated destination for apps, books, movies, games, and music, accessible to users on Android devices and to anyone on the Web.

Android App shows incompatible with ICS 4.0.4 device Google Play

Here is the stuff that matters from my Android App Manifest file. I am looking at supporting Android API Level 4 …

android google-play android-market-filtering
Android Market: "This item is not compatible with your device."

This is really getting on my nerves. I have tried like everything to get my App to work on some …

android google-play android-2.2-froyo android-2.3-gingerbread android-market-filtering
Google Play - Difference between Low Maturity and Medium Maturity

What changes if you you choose a Low Maturity over Medium Maturity rating for a Google Play Android app? Will …

android google-play rating
how to publish an Android App Bundle in the Google Play Console?

how to publish an Android App Bundle in the Google Play Console? Environment: Android Studio 3.2 After "Generate Signed Bundle or …

android google-play google-play-console android-app-bundle
How to fix Slow Rendering (Android vitals)

I have an app that is listed as in the bottom 25% in the new Google Play Console - Android vitals …

android google-play frame-rate
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices?

I have published apk to the Android Market, activated and setup for free for all countries. Android Market says, my …

android compatibility google-play device
Android: in-app product ID

How my in-app product ID should look like? If my application ID looks like com.example.test, then can I …

android in-app-purchase google-play billing
How to use Google Analytics track referrer install from Google Play?

Add libGoogleAnalytics.jar to your project's /libs directory. Add the following permissions to your project's AndroidManifest.xml manifest file: <…

android google-analytics installation referrer google-play
Didn't find class ""

I am using Maven to build my android project. In my Android project pom.xml, I have defined the dependency …

android maven google-play google-play-services google-advertising-id
Cordova: Is it possible to have different app IDs for android and ios platforms?

Let's say I have a Cordova application with an id of com.StackOverflowExample.MyQuestion, which I created with Cordova 3 using …

android ios cordova google-play cordova-3