Cordova: Is it possible to have different app IDs for android and ios platforms?

Morris Singer picture Morris Singer · Sep 28, 2013 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

Let's say I have a Cordova application with an id of com.StackOverflowExample.MyQuestion, which I created with Cordova 3 using the CLI (cordova create). I have added iOS and Android platforms for my app, and have submitted the app to Apple and to Google Play. Now, however, after submitting my app to Play, I seem to have misplaced my password for the keystore I used to sign my APK file. I have tried everything, and there is no way I will recover it.

Because Google Play does not allow me to sign a subsequent APK submitted to Play under the same app ID as a prior APK signed by a different keystore, I know I need to create a new app ID and start over in Android. I realize this will require my users to download a new application, but I have no other choice at this point.

What I would like to avoid, is having this problem spill over into Apple, where I have already created all of my certificates, provisioning profiles, keys, signing requests, etc. and uploaded an IPA with a bundle identifier the same as the app ID of the first APK I submitted to Google Play.

By default, when using the CLI, Cordova adds whatever platforms you specify using a single app ID, which you supply when you run cordova create.

What I'd like to know is: Is it possible, when running cordova platform add to add a new platform under a custom app ID, and, as a result, to have different platforms have different app IDs within the same Cordova application?


tabrindle picture tabrindle · Jan 9, 2015

This is now built into CLI (finally):

In you your config.xml file-


