Google Play is an integrated destination for apps, books, movies, games, and music, accessible to users on Android devices and to anyone on the Web.
I have just written a game for the Google Play Store and would like to remind my customers to leave …
android android-intent google-playI was doing this following these steps as mentioned in the link. Copy the IInAppBillingService.aidl file to your Android …
android google-play in-app-billing google-play-servicesDocs say that APK size limit in Google Play is 50MB, with option for two 2GB expansion APKs. However, I …
android google-play apk-expansion-filesI just published my first application on Google Play and I accidentally chose the wrong language as default language for …
android google-play google-play-consoleI have published my application in alpha testing for testing purpose. Now I want delete it permanently from listing. So, …
android testing google-play alpha google-play-consoleIn the App Releases page of the Google Play Console, how do you delete a closed track? There is a …
google-play google-play-consoleI would like to change the password I use in my keystore for an android app that is already available …
android google-play keytool android-keystoreI have exported an Android App Bundle file to upload at Play store with NDK downloaded from Unity desired location …
android unity3d google-playWe have a game on Google play created with a developer account and then we have admin access to that …
android google-play google-play-gamesI want to publish an app witch contains a WebView to my site only and thats the whole app. Like …
google-play app-store phonegap-desktop-app