How to give access to Google Play Developer Console Game services page to other accounts?

arielsan picture arielsan · Sep 19, 2013 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

We have a game on Google play created with a developer account and then we have admin access to that game trough our personal accounts (we are multiple developers). Recently, I have added achievements to that game using the Game Services page, the problem now is that we can only access to that game through my personal account or the developer account (the account owner) but not the other personal accounts.

Anyone knows if it is possible to give permissions to other users to access the Game Services page for a specific game to see/modify achievements and other stuff?


Todd Kerpelman picture Todd Kerpelman · Sep 20, 2013

If you go to Settings > User Accounts & Rights, you can click on the Invite New User button to add additional users to this account. Then, those other users should be able to edit achievements and leaderboards and the like.

Please note, however, that this will allow them to view / edit all applications created with your account, not just specific ones.