The Google Places API is a service that returns information about places using HTTP requests.
I am using the PlaceAutocompleteFragment that is provided by google in a project that I am working on right now. …
android textview google-places-api autocompletetextviewI have an address field in my app where the user needs to enter the required address. I have used …
android google-places-api google-geocoder google-geocoding-apivar autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, { types: ['geocode'] }); How do I remove it now? There's "autocomplete.unbindAll()" function …
javascript google-maps google-places-apiI'm beginer to js and api I have an for me big problem.. How to get photo for some places …
javascript google-places-api var geturlIn my iPhone App I am using MKMapKit. Currently I am plotting places on map according to the results get …
ios iphone google-places-api apple-mapsI am using google place api to search specific types like(gas_station,cafes,shopping_malls etc...) here is link …
google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-places-api geocodeI am posting this here because I don't know where else to post this. Today, our application is no longer …
ios google-api google-places-api google-api-clientFriends, I was getting this error while implementing google map API in my APP. I was getting this issue: Error …
android google-maps google-places-api googleplacesautocompleteIs it possible to get the "Popular times" information through the Google Places API or any other API? I need …
android google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-api google-places-apiI'm absolutely new in using APIs. I have this code: <head> <script src="…
php google-api google-places-api google-places