Top "Google-places-api" questions

The Google Places API is a service that returns information about places using HTTP requests.

How to change text size in places autocompletefragment in android?

I am using the PlaceAutocompleteFragment that is provided by google in a project that I am working on right now. …

android textview google-places-api autocompletetextview
Places Autocomplete API to get GPS coordinates from address entered

I have an address field in my app where the user needs to enter the required address. I have used …

android google-places-api google-geocoder google-geocoding-api
No way to remove google places autocomplete?

var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, { types: ['geocode'] }); How do I remove it now? There's "autocomplete.unbindAll()" function …

javascript google-maps google-places-api
How to get photo of place from google places api

I'm beginer to js and api I have an for me big problem.. How to get photo for some places …

javascript google-places-api var geturl
Is there any Apple API like google Place Search API?

In my iPhone App I am using MKMapKit. Currently I am plotting places on map according to the results get …

ios iphone google-places-api apple-maps
How can I search places with specific types using Google Places API?

I am using google place api to search specific types like(gas_station,cafes,shopping_malls etc...) here is link …

google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-places-api geocode
Google Places AutoComplete on iOS - Can't Load Search Results - Try Again

I am posting this here because I don't know where else to post this. Today, our application is no longer …

ios google-api google-places-api google-api-client

Friends, I was getting this error while implementing google map API in my APP. I was getting this issue: Error …

android google-maps google-places-api googleplacesautocomplete
Is it possible to get the "Popular times" information through the Google Places API

Is it possible to get the "Popular times" information through the Google Places API or any other API? I need …

android google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-api google-places-api
Google places API using PHP

I'm absolutely new in using APIs. I have this code: <head> <script src="…

php google-api google-places-api google-places