Top "Google-places-api" questions

The Google Places API is a service that returns information about places using HTTP requests.

using enableAutoManage() in fragment

Is there another way to connect Google API client? I use auto complete places and I have to use this …

android android-fragments google-places-api google-api-client
Google Place API usage limitations and billing

I have developed one app in which i have used the Google Place API. This is what places doc says …

billing google-places-api
How to implement google places autocomplete programmatically

Autocomplete predictions don't show up in my MapsActivity when i type text in AutoCompleteTextView (mSearchText). I tried following the tutorial …

java android google-places-api googleplacesautocomplete
Getting an intersection with Google Places/Geocoding API

I'm trying to find the two closest streets to a point with the Google Places API (basically to indicate the …

google-places-api google-geocoding-api
Autocomplete textview google places api

I followed this tutorial for doing the autocomplete textview using google places api. I want an autocomplete textview that automatically …

java android google-places-api autocompletetextview
Place Picker Automatically close after launch

I want to show place picker so that user can choose location of his/her own choice. But place picker …

android google-places-api google-places
How to clear the input bound to the Google Places Autocomplete?

Here is my issue: I am using Google Places Autocomplete to gather information about places from the user. On the …

javascript jquery google-maps-api-3 google-places-api
Google Places Autocomplete Force Selection

I am using the JavaScript Google places autocomplete API v3. It works fine but I was wondering if there was …

javascript ajax google-places-api
Retrieve a list of country names using Google places api

How can we get a list of countries/stats/cities in the world using Google places API? Using either google …

Google places Api Key

I have searched through here for other questions related to the same topic and cannot find a definite answer. My …

google-places-api api-key