Top "Google-maps-android-api-2" questions

Google Android Maps Api v2 is the next generation of Google Maps SDK available for Android developers.

How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android

i have the following code which is drawing polylines for me and working fine, But the problem is that its …

android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2
How can I show current location on a Google Map on Android Marshmallow?

I want google maps to show the location of the user. I tried this code, but it did not work …

android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2
Google Maps Android API v2 - Interactive InfoWindow (like in original android google maps)

I am trying to a make custom InfoWindow after a click on a marker with the new Google Maps API …

android google-maps infowindow google-maps-android-api-2
Get driving directions using Google Maps API v2

I am trying to get the driving direction between the two positions: LatLng(12.917745600000000000,77.623788300000000000) LatLng(12.842056800000000000,7.663096499999940000) The code which i have tried: …

java android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2 directions
Draw path between two points using Google Maps Android API v2

Google changed its map API for Android and introduced API V2. The previous codes for drawing path are not working …

google-maps path google-maps-markers routes google-maps-android-api-2
How to remove single marker using Google Maps V2?

The only method that removes markers from map is clear. However it clears all markers from the map. I want …

android google-maps android-mapview google-maps-android-api-2
Error package `` doesn't exist

I am new to Android development. I am learning to use backend service and get stuck early on. …

android android-studio parse-platform google-maps-android-api-2
Replace getMap with getMapAsync

I want to replace the deprecated getMap Method with getMapAsync, but I didn't use MapFragment but GoogleMap like this: private …

android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2

I am creating an android application using google maps. here is the code: import android.os.Bundle; import …

moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes

I'm making use of the new Android Google Maps API. I create an activity which includes a MapFragment. In the …

android android-mapview google-maps-android-api-2