Google Android Maps Api v2 is the next generation of Google Maps SDK available for Android developers.
I'm trying to get a list Markers(using GMaps V2 for Android) similar to the getOverlays() method I used in …
android google-maps google-maps-markers google-maps-android-api-2I'm developing an Android app that is supposed to use Google Maps v2. Now i'm stuck at finding when zoom …
android google-maps google-maps-mobile google-maps-android-api-2In the onCreate method, I am making use of the SupportMapFragment to show a map. SupportMapFragment fragment = new SupportMapFragment(); getSupportFragmentManager().…
android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2I'm trying to learn android, and having followed the instructions on how to use the Google Maps API V.2 I …
android xml android-layout xml-parsing google-maps-android-api-2I was using LocationManager to track the user current location, Now after changing location manager to FusedLocation API, the blue …
android google-maps-android-api-2 android-fusedlocationI know Gradle is powerful and I would like to manage the API keys for development/produciton of Google Maps …
android gradle android-studio key google-maps-android-api-2I switched to v2 of Maps for Android, and I am trying to port over the following functionality: With MyLocationOverlay …
android api maps google-maps-android-api-2When I click the marker on the google map, "Navigation" and "GPS Pointer" buttons come out. How can I hide …
android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2 markerI'm trying to get a marker with an custom icon in Google Maps Android API v2. I just changed one …
android google-maps-android-api-2I need to show list of places in dropdown using google placeAutocomplete widgets. Here I'm getting dialog to show places …
android google-maps-android-api-2 google-places-api