Top "Google-finance" questions

Google Finance is a service used to track stock and portfolio information.

How to work with Google Finance?

I want to develop a small application to get stock price from Google Finance automatically and store it in my …

Programmatic access to detailed historical financial data

I know that Yahoo has a great API for accessing detailed financial metrics about a company documented at http://www.…

financial yahoo-finance google-finance
Google finance 200 day moving average is getting as #NA in Apps Script

I'm calculating Google finance 200 day moving average formula in google sheet using formula =average(query(sort(GoogleFinance("GOOG","price", TODAY()…

google-apps-script google-sheets google-finance
Finance historical options data (with strikes etc) on google finance API

Can anyone provide how to get historical options data with strikes by Google Finance API? Mbe Yahoo API can do …

yahoo-finance google-finance google-finance-api
Is there a source to find a list of symbols?

I'm using the data of alpha vantage for a stock market analysis site. But I cannot find a complete list …

finance yahoo-finance quantitative-finance google-finance
page scraping to get prices from google finance

I am trying to get stock prices by scraping google finance pages, I am doing this in python, using urllib …

python screen-scraping urllib stockquotes google-finance
Get BTC prices on Google Sheets from Google Finance

I'm trying to get data from Google Finance in Google Sheets with this formula: =GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:BTC") But I'm getting …

google-sheets bitcoin google-finance
issues downloading stock data from google finance using panda datareader

Things used to work great until several days ago. Now when I run the following: from pandas_datareader import data …

python finance google-finance
What is the formula for average daily trading volume calculated by Google Finance formula?

Average daily trading volume is obtained by this formula GOOGLEFINANCE("Symbol", "volumeavg") on Google Spreadsheet. How is the average volume …

google-sheets google-apps google-finance
Get exchange rate on a specific date from GoogleFinance

I'm having trouble stopping the googlefinance function on a specific date to use "that" specific exchange rate to convert currency …

google-sheets currency google-sheets-formula google-finance