Top "Google-custom-search" questions

for questions related to implementing Google Custom Search on a web site, or using the Google Custom Search APIs.

How to do a Google Image Search in an android app

I'm developing an Android app that will do a Google Image Search and return the images to the user in …

android google-api google-custom-search google-image-search
Alternative to Google Custom Search

I'm using Google Custom Search on a client website. They are not very happy about rival companies showing up on …

download images with google custom search api

I have used google image api in python to download 20 first image result with the following code: import os import …

python json google-app-engine google-custom-search
How can I search the entire web from Google Custom Search?

Can I search in the web with Google Custom Search? Because in, I must enter …

Implementing Google custom search API in iOS

I went through several links in order to find the proper steps to implement google customsearchapi in an ios application …

ios json google-custom-search
Use an external CSS stylesheet to customise the appearance of the Google CSE

I have created a search engine for my website using Google Webmaster Tools. Now I'd like to customise the format …

css google-custom-search
"daily limit exceeded" when using Google custom search API

I wanna crawl 200 results for about 2000 queries but it gives me a "daily limit exceeded" error. I want to confirm …

python google-custom-search google-api-python-client
Google images: get large image URL from thumbnail URL

Is there any way to build the URL of a medium/large/original image corresponding to a thumbnail URL returned …

google-api google-custom-search google-image-search
Pass variable to Google Custom Search Engine

Is it possible to pass a search variable into the Google Custom Search Engine that I have embedded on my …

search-engine google-custom-search
How do I get Google search results from urlfetch in google apps script

I have been trying the following code var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(""); …

google-apps-script google-docs google-custom-search