How can I search the entire web from Google Custom Search?

mrdaliri picture mrdaliri · Feb 8, 2011 · Viewed 14k times · Source

Can I search in the web with Google Custom Search? Because in, I must enter a site url in "Sites to search"; And I don't have any url! because the Internet doesn't have any URL! (I think!)

Can you help me?


user521731 picture user521731 · Apr 11, 2011

I believe you have to enter a url because google wants to know what website(s) the search form is going to be on. But after that, when your custom search is set up, you can go into its settings and make different changes. The best you can do for searching the entire web is to click this option in the "Basics" section of your Custom Search Engine:

"Search the entire web but emphasize included sites."

Hope that helps.

Google Custom Search, how to search the entire web, not just specified URLs.