Top "Google-cloud-messaging" questions

Google Cloud Messaging is a service to allow data to be sent remotely to Android and iOS applications and Chrome extensions and packaged apps.

Firebase FCM Usage Limits

I was wondering if there is a comprehensive list that privides details of the various Firebase FCM usage limits. I …

firebase google-cloud-messaging firebase-cloud-messaging
iOS support for Google Cloud Messaging

I saw in google's developer console that GCM allows to generate a API key for iOS. I searched in the …

ios push-notification google-cloud-messaging package couldn't be found

I am trying to use new Google Cloud Messaging system but I have some problems. I read Getting Started document …

android google-cloud-messaging
Get value from RemoteMessage from FCM onMessageReceived method

I have migrate gcm to fcm for push notification message. but how I Get bundle data from RemoteMessage received onMesssageReceived …

java android google-cloud-messaging android-notifications firebase-cloud-messaging
Use different GoogleService-Info.plist for different build schemes

I am using a build scheme for prod and one for staging (with 2 different bundle identifiers) and I am trying …

ios google-cloud-messaging google-signin
How to send notification to specific users with FCM?

I prepared the receiver for FCM and can send a notification to all devices. with …

android notifications firebase google-cloud-messaging firebase-cloud-messaging
Adding HttpClient headers generates a FormatException with some values

This occurred within the context of coding against Google Cloud Messaging, but applies elsewhere. Consider the following: var http = new …

c# dotnet-httpclient google-cloud-messaging
IncompatibleClassChangeError after updating to Android Build Tools 25.1.6 GCM / FCM

Since I updated to Android SDK Tools 25.1.6 and Android Support Repository 32.0.0 (this morning), I got the following error, I didn't …

android google-cloud-messaging android-gradle-plugin firebase-cloud-messaging
What does google-services.json really do?

I work on adding Google Analytics and GCM services to my current app. On the guide for both services implementation, …

android json google-analytics google-play-services google-cloud-messaging
Which port and protocol does Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) use?

Which port and protocol does Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) use? We experience some times that messages doesnt get through, and …

android push-notification google-cloud-messaging