Top "Google-cloud-messaging" questions

Google Cloud Messaging is a service to allow data to be sent remotely to Android and iOS applications and Chrome extensions and packaged apps.

GCM defaultSenderID

Could somebody please help me understand what the gcm_defaultSenderId is in the following code (found in onHandleIntent in RegistrationIntentService.…

android notifications google-cloud-messaging
Instant Messaging on Android with Google Cloud Messaging

I was just looking at the new Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and I was wondering if it is possible to …

android instant-messaging google-cloud-messaging
GCM push notification works after app Force Stop?

I have used GCM to get push notifications, now if I Force stop the app from the settings on the …

android push-notification google-cloud-messaging
Error getGoogleAppId failed with status: 10 Android KitKat - GCM and Google Drive

I am running this in a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini. KitKat Android. In the application, I use both GCM for …

android android-studio google-cloud-messaging google-drive-android-api
Firebase Cloud Messaging API Key

Any way to regenerate the API Key for FCM (Cloud Messaging section) in Firebase Console? The key is not editable …

android firebase google-cloud-messaging firebase-cloud-messaging
GCM: why my application crash in GCMRegistrar.checkDevice(this);

I have a simple application with a few lines because I am trying to figure out why my real application …

android eclipse google-cloud-messaging eclipse-juno
Google Cloud Messaging - messages sometimes not received until network state changed

While working on a little project that integrates with GCM, I've stumbled across a bit of a strange issue. Some …

android google-cloud-messaging android-networking
FCM Vs GCM? Why we need to migrate from GCM to FCM

Google just announced that Google Cloud Messaging is now Firebase Cloud Messaging. What does this mean for existing users of …

android google-cloud-messaging firebase-cloud-messaging
FCM HTTP V1 API returns 404 for unregistered token

FCM HTTP v1 API supposed to return error code "UNREGISTERED" when device is unregistered (app uninstalled). However API returns 404 "Requested …

google-cloud-messaging firebase-cloud-messaging
Unauthorized when calling Google GCM

I trying to use Google GCM for sending push notifications. But get a WebException that says that the remote server …

c# android httpwebrequest unauthorized google-cloud-messaging