Top "Google-cloud-datastore" questions

Google Cloud Datastore is a scalable, fully-managed NoSQL document database for web and mobile applications.

Google App Engine error: NeedIndexError: no matching index found

I'm having trouble with Google's App engine indexes. When running my app via the GoogleAppEngineLauncher, the app is working fine. …

python-2.7 google-app-engine app-engine-ndb google-cloud-datastore
GAE DataStore vs Google Cloud SQL for Enterprise Management Systems

I am building an application that is an enterprise management system using gae. I have built several applications using gae …

google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-sql
Using ndb.KeyProperty how to reference the same model?

I have a simple scenario where there is a User class which has the name, email and followers property. class …

google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore app-engine-ndb
What is the python for Java's BigDecimal?

In Java, when we program money it is recommended to use the class BigDecimal for money. Is there something similar …

python google-app-engine python-2.7 google-cloud-datastore currency
Google Firestore a subset or superset of Google Cloud Datastore?

Google announced Firestore, the new document datastore on the block. I have been developing an application using Google Cloud Datastore …

firebase google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-platform google-cloud-firestore
How to query parent entity from child entity in Google App Engine (Python) NDB/Datastore?

My question is very fundamental, I want to know straight forward and right way to access attribute values of parent …

google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore python-2.7 app-engine-ndb
How do I define a unique property for a Model in Google App Engine?

I need some properties to be unique. How can I achieve this? Is there something like unique=True? I'm using …

python google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore
Store Photos in Blobstore or as Blobs in Datastore - Which is better/more efficient /cheaper?

I have an app where each DataStore Entity of a specific kind can have a number of photos associated with …

google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore blobstore
AppEngine: Query datastore for records with <missing> value

I created a new property for my db model in the Google App Engine Datastore. Old: class Logo(db.Model): …

python google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore
How to prevent the JSESSIONID showing in the URL

I have created an login page in servlet using Google Datastore, it is working fine. but sometimes its showing the …

java servlets google-cloud-datastore jsessionid