Top "App-engine-ndb" questions

NDB is a better datastore API for the Google App Engine Python runtime.

Best practice to query large number of ndb entities from datastore

I have run into an interesting limit with the App Engine datastore. I am creating a handler to help us …

google-app-engine app-engine-ndb google-cloud-datastore
Google App Engine: ImportError: No module named appengine.ext

I am trying to write a test for my GAE programme which uses the datastore. Following Google's Documentation, I see …

python python-2.7 google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore app-engine-ndb
google app engine's ndb: get an entity's id

This looks simple, but I just didn't find how to get an entity's id from Google App Engine's ndb. class …

google-app-engine app-engine-ndb
Google App Engine error: NeedIndexError: no matching index found

I'm having trouble with Google's App engine indexes. When running my app via the GoogleAppEngineLauncher, the app is working fine. …

python-2.7 google-app-engine app-engine-ndb google-cloud-datastore
Using ndb.KeyProperty how to reference the same model?

I have a simple scenario where there is a User class which has the name, email and followers property. class …

google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore app-engine-ndb
How to query parent entity from child entity in Google App Engine (Python) NDB/Datastore?

My question is very fundamental, I want to know straight forward and right way to access attribute values of parent …

google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore python-2.7 app-engine-ndb
Google App Engine NDB custom key id

When I create an object with ndb's method put it creates the key automatically of the type Key(kind, id) …

python google-app-engine app-engine-ndb djangoappengine
How to use AJAX with Google App Engine (Python)

I am completely novice at AJAX. I am familiar with HTML/CSS, jQuery and beginner at GAE and Python. In …

javascript ajax google-app-engine python-2.7 app-engine-ndb
Google App Engine (Python) - Uploading a file (image)

I want the user to be able to upload images to Google App Engine. I have the following (Python): class …

python image google-app-engine upload app-engine-ndb
How to delete all entities for NDB Model in Google App Engine for python?

I have a ndb model class: class Game(ndb.Model): gameID = ndb.IntegerProperty() gameName = ndb.StringProperty() Is there any way …

python google-app-engine app-engine-ndb