Relational vs Non-Relational Data Modeling - what's the difference

znq picture znq · May 13, 2011 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I'm new to databases and I've never worked with any RDBMS. However I get the basic idea of relational databases. At least I think I do ;-)

Let's say I have a user database with the following properties for each user:

  • user
    • id
    • name
    • zip
    • city

In a relational database I would for example model it in a table called user

  • user
    • id
    • name
    • location_id

and have a second table called location

  • location
    • id
    • zip
    • city

And location_id is a foreign key (reference) to an entry in the location table. If I understand it right the advantage is here, if the zip code for a certain city changes I only have to change exactly one entry.

So, let's go to the non-relational database, where I started to play around with Google App Engine. Here I would really model it like it was written down first in the specifications. I have a kind user:

class User(db.Model):
    name = db.StringProperty()
    zip = db.StringProperty()
    city = db.StringProperty()

The advantage is that I don't need to join two "tables", but the disadvantage is, that if the zip code changes I have to run a script that goes through all user entries and updates the zip code, correct?

So, now there is another option in Google App Engine, which is to use ReferenceProperties. I could have two kinds: user and location

class Location(db.Model):
    zip = db.StringProperty()
    city = db.StringProperty()

class User(db.Model):
    name = db.StringProperty()
    location = db.ReferenceProperty(Location)

If I'm not wrong I now have exactly the same model as in the relational database described above. What I'm wondering now is, first of all, is that wrong what I just did and does that destroy all the advantages of a non-relational database. I understand, that in order to get the value of zip and city I have to run I second query. But in the other case, to make a change in the zip code I have to run through all existing users.

So what are the implications of these two modeling possibilities in a non-relational database like Google's datastore. And what are typical use cases for both of them, meaning when should I use one and when the other.

Also as an additional question, if in a non-relation database I can model exactly the same what I can model in a relational database, why should I use a relational database at all?

Sorry if some of these questions sound naive, but I'm sure they will help a couple people, who are new to database systems to get a better understanding.


moraes picture moraes · May 13, 2011

In my experience, the biggest difference is that non-relational datastores force you to model based on how you'll query, because of the lack of joins, and how you'll write, because of the transaction restrictions. This of course results in very denormalized models. After a while, I started to define all the queries first, to avoid having to rethink the models later.

Because of the flexibility of relational db's, you can think about each data family in separate, create relations between them and in the end query how you wish (abusing joins in so many cases).