Top "Google-analytics" questions

Google Analytics is a free web analytics solution that uses JavaScript to send data.

Google Analytics testing/sandbox environment?

Is there any Google Analytics testing/sandbox environment for testing your JS custom code before putting it to live system? …

javascript testing google-analytics
Track campaigns with Google Analytics without query string parameters?

Is there a supported way in Google Analytics to track a campaign without having to use query string parameters. In …

javascript google-analytics
Can we move Google Analytics data to other account?

Started a webpage that now contains a lot of analytic data. Now that I have the client GA Tracking ID …

import google-analytics export data-transfer
Does Google Analytics have performance overhead?

To what extent does Google Analytics impact performance? I'm looking for the following: Benchmarks (including response times/pageload times et …

performance google-analytics benchmarking
Tracking Individual Users with Google Analytics Custom Variables

I've been working on a support center for my company and we need to track individual users when they login. …

google-analytics userid
framework not found FirebaseAnalytics

I added Google Analytics by CocoaPod into my project, but my app crashed and gave the following error. ld: framework …

ios objective-c google-analytics firebase-analytics
Linker errors when trying to install new Google Analytics 3.0 Beta

I believe just today Google released a new update to their iOS Analytics frame work (version 3.0). When I follow the …

ios google-analytics google-analytics-api
Google Analytics - What is "Vitaly rules google ☆*:.。...)ノʕ•̫͡•ʔᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ(=^. .^=)oO"?

I was checking my Google Analytics Realtime Overview and I found the following. Is it harmful to my site? Should …

google-analytics spam
Report for exceptions from Google Analytics analytics.js exception tracking

Google Universal Analytics has a hit type of exception ga('send', 'exception', { 'exDescription': 'DatabaseError' }); I was expecting to be able …

exception-handling google-analytics
What is _gat (Google Analytics) cookie used for?

Is anyone aware of what _gat cookie is for? I know it's only for non-authenticated users and expires every 10 minutes. …

cookies google-analytics analytics