Top "Godaddy-api" questions

Questions regarding GoDaddy API

I have Godaddy Shared Web Hosting I need to host node.js website can host site?

Anyone have an idea to host a site or reference for how to install a node server on Godaddy. We …

node.js server hosting godaddy-api website-hosting
Certbot - DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for xxx - check that a DNS records exists for this

So I tried to run the following sudo certbot certonly --nginx --dry-run -d -d www.subdomain.domain.…

subdomain certbot godaddy-api
Godaddy api authorization error

I am trying to develop client application for GoDaddy based on their API that they provide here…

php api godaddy-api
Adding an A Record with GoDaddy API

I'm trying to add an A record to a domain using GoDaddy's API, but I'm getting a 422 (Unprocessable Entity) response …

jquery ajax dns godaddy-api
Convert cUrl command to HTTP Request in Swift

I am building an app that checks domain availability. Right now, I am using the goDaddy API; according to goDaddy, …

ios swift curl alamofire godaddy-api