Top "Gob" questions

gob is a Go specific protocol and package for the exchange of data between Go programs.

Write to Client UDP Socket in Go

I'm looking for a good solution for a client/server communication with UDP sockets in Go language. The examples I …

sockets go udp gob
Quicker way to deepcopy objects in golang, JSON vs gob

I am using go 1.9. And I want to deepcopy value of object into another object. I try to do it …

json go encoding deep-copy gob
gob: type not registered for interface: map[string]interface {}

gob fails to encode map[string]interface{} gob: type not registered for interface: map[string]interface {}…

go gob
Efficient Go serialization of struct to disk

I've been tasked to replace C++ code to Go and I'm quite new to the Go APIs. I am using …

serialization go struct gob
Unable to send gob data over TCP in Go Programming

I have a client server application, using TCP connection Client: type Q struct { sum int64 } type P struct { M, N …

tcp go gob
De- and encode interface{} with Gob

I'm trying to de- and encode a struct which contains a Interface{} as field. The problem there is, that the …

go gob