Golang monkey patching

Steve P. picture Steve P. · May 6, 2016 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

I understand that if go code is structured such that it's programmed to interfaces, it's trivial to mock; however, I'm working with a code base that I cannot change (that is not mine) and this is not the case.

This code base is heavily interconnected and nothing is programmed to an interface, only structs, so no dependency injection.

The structs, themselves, only contain other structs, so I can't mock out that way either. I don't believe that I can do anything about methods, and the few functions that exist are not variables, so there's no way that I know of to swap them out. Inheritance isn't a thing in golang, so that's a no go as well.

In scripting languages like python, we can modify the objects at runtime, aka monkey patch. Is there something comparable that I can do in golang? Trying to figure out some way to test/benchmark without touching the underlying code.


sberry picture sberry · May 6, 2016

When I have run into this situation my approach is to use my own interface as a wrapper which allows mocking in tests. For example.

type MyInterface interface {
    DoSomething(i int) error
    DoSomethingElse() ([]int, error)

type Concrete struct {
    client *somepackage.Client

func (c *Concrete) DoSomething(i int) error {
    return c.client.DoSomething(i)

func (c *Concrete) DoSomethingElse() ([]int, error) {
    return c.client.DoSomethingElse()

Now you can mock the Concrete in the same way you would mock somepackage.Client if it too were an interface.

As pointed out in the comments below by @elithrar, you can embed the type you want to mock so you are only forced to add methods which need mocking. For example:

type Concrete struct {

When done like that, additional methods like DoSomethingNotNeedingMocking could be called directly on Concrete without having to add it to the interface / mock it out.