How to verify if a specific function is called

Patrick picture Patrick · Sep 6, 2015 · Viewed 14.8k times · Source

I'm trying my hand at writing TDD in Go. I am however stuck at the following.

The test to write:

func TestFeatureStart(t *testing.T) {}

Implementation to test:

func (f *Feature) Start() error {
  cmd := exec.Command(f.Cmd)

How would one test this simple bit? I figured I only wanted to verify that the exec library is spoken to correctly. That's the way I would do it in Java using Mockito. Can anyone help me write this test? From what I've read the usage of interfaces is suggested.

The Feature-struct only contains a string Cmd.


Ainar-G picture Ainar-G · Sep 6, 2015

You can fake the whole deal with interfaces, but you could also use fakeable functions. In the code:

var cmdStart = (*exec.Cmd).Start
func (f *Feature) Start() error {
    cmd := exec.Command(f.Cmd)
    return cmdStart(cmd)

In the tests:

called := false
cmdStart = func(*exec.Cmd) error { called = true; return nil }
if !called {
    t.Errorf("command didn't start")

See also: Andrew Gerrand's Testing Techniques talk.