Top "Gnu-coreutils" questions

Use this tag for questions specific to the GNU Core Utilities.

How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

For example, given: USCAGoleta9311734.5021-120.1287855805 I want to extract just: US

bash shell grep sh gnu-coreutils
How can I remove the extension of a filename in a shell script?

What's wrong with the following code? name='$filename | cut -f1 -d'.'' As is, I get the literal string $…

bash shell sh cut gnu-coreutils
How do I read the source code of shell commands?

I would like to read the actual source code which the linux commands are written with. I've gained some experience …

linux command gnu-coreutils
Display two files side by side

How can 2 unsorted text files of different lengths be display side by side (in columns) in a shell Given one.…

linux shell unix command-line gnu-coreutils
Howto split a string on a multi-character delimiter in bash?

Why doesn't work the following bash code? for i in $( echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | split -t "mm" ) do echo "$i" done expected …

bash shell ubuntu gnu-coreutils
Forcing the order of output fields from cut command

I want to do something like this: cat abcd.txt | cut -f 2,1 and I want the order to be 2 and …

unix shell awk freebsd gnu-coreutils
How to count all spaces in a file in Unix

I want to count all the spaces from my file in Unix and I have tried the following command: grep " " …

bash gnu-coreutils
Where can I find the source code of Unix utilities?

Could anyone provide me with the pointers to source code for linux commands such as 'sort' , 'uniq' etc.?

linux gnu-coreutils
Binary "tail" a file

I would guess most people on this site are familiar with tail, if not - it provides a "follow" mode …

c tail gnu-coreutils gnu-fileutils
Calculate the total space consumption of specific files in unix terminal

I have a folder containing .tcb and .tch files. I need to know what the size of all .tcb files …

filesize gnu-coreutils