Top "Glulookat" questions

gluLookAt is a function in the OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) that defines a view transformation

What exactly is the UP vector in OpenGL's LookAt function?

this is related to The LookAt target location doesn't matter if it is z = 0 or z = 1000 or -1000? I tried …

opengl glulookat
gluPerspective, glViewport, gluLookAt and the GL_PROJECTION and GL_MODELVIEW Matricies

Original Question I want to use 'gluPerspective', 'glViewport' and 'gluLookAt' to manipulate my camera and screen. Which functions to I …

opengl matrix mode glulookat
How does gluLookAt work?

From my understanding, gluLookAt( eye_x, eye_y, eye_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, up_x, up_y, …

c++ opengl glulookat
LookAt function: I'm going crazy

I must do a homework and I try to implement a lookAt function. I tried in many ways but the …

opengl vector matrix fragment-shader glulookat
OpenGL FPS Camera using gluLookAt()

So, I'm attempting to create an FPS style camera to explore my scene with, and it seems to be working …

opengl camera glut glulookat
OpenGL - Rotating around a cube using gluLookAt rotates very quickly

I'm trying to move around a cube centered at the origin using gluLookAt instead of performing the R*T transformation …

opengl rotation glulookat