Top "Global-assembly-cache" questions

The global assembly cache is a .NET machine-wide code cache that stores assemblies designated to be shared by multiple applications.

How do I manually copy assemblies into the GAC?

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, trying to manually copy a file into the GAC. I tried using Windows Explorer but it …

windows-7 global-assembly-cache
Microsoft Office Interop Assembly references

I have an application developed in Visual Studio 2005 which I am deploying using ClickOnce. My solution contains two projects - …

excel visual-studio-2005 interop outlook global-assembly-cache
How to programmatically determine if .NET assembly is installed in GAC?

What's the easiest way to check programmatically if an assembly is registered in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) on the …

c# .net .net-assembly global-assembly-cache
System.IO.FileLoadException. Could not load Accessibility, Version=

I have just recently been getting this issue and it may be due to something I installed on my machine. …

exception windows-7 unhandled-exception global-assembly-cache
Failed to load receiver assembly - FileNotFoundException

Struggling with this, project builds and deploys when I don't have EventReceivers in my Features, and fails when I do. …

visual-studio sharepoint global-assembly-cache