A special file in the ASP.
We run a link redirection service which can handle links thrown at it in various formats. One of these formats …
asp.net iis-7 isapi-rewrite global-asaxImagine I have a property defined in global.asax. public List<string> Roles { get { ... } set { ... } } I want to …
c# asp.net global-asaxHai guys, My website has thousands of users... I have implemented a background task of sending mails to every user …
c# asp.net global-asaxWhen I create an empty Session_Start handler in Global.asax.cs it causes a significant hit when rendering pages …
asp.net global-asaxI am trying to perform some actions at the end of every request. I changed the Application_Start() that is …
asp.net-mvc global-asaxI'm using VS2010 and created a simple asp. web forms application, using Development Server to test it. I try to …
asp.net session-variables global-asaxMy global.asax seems not to be firing. I have: void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Code that runs …
asp.net global-asaxA couple of questions regarding the role of global.asax: Why is it not included in the Website Project in …
asp.net global-asaxI have this code: using System.Configuration; void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException(); string …
c# asp.net global-asaxI am getting a 'session state not available in this context' error. The error is nested in the sender parameter …
session state global-asax