global.asax Application_Error not firing

Patrick From An IBank picture Patrick From An IBank · Sep 15, 2010 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

My global.asax seems not to be firing. I have:

void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs

In my web.config, I don't have anything like CustomErrors. As I want everything to be handled by Global.asax and transferred to ExceptionFormView.aspx.

It works fine locally, but not when we deploy to servers. Any thoughts?

Do I need PrecompiledApp.config?


Jesse Webb picture Jesse Webb · Jul 27, 2011

If you do not have a customErrors section in your Web.config, it is the same as having the section with mode="RemoteOnly". This customError mode will make local requests (made from the server running IIS) not use custom errors and it will execute the Application_Error() method as expected. Remote requests will use customErrors and not execute the method mentioned above.

This explains why you are seeing different behavior locally than on your server. You can reproduce this behavior on any environment by changing the customErrors mode to On or Off explicitly. On will not execute the Application_Error() section while Off will.

<customErrors mode="On|Off|RemoteOnly" />

This doesn't solve your problem of course, which is you want the method to be executed regardless. I have a bounty on another question where we are trying to figure out why the Application_Error() method is not firing when customErrors mode is On. Check back there in a couple days to see if we have found a solution.