Fourth version of the popular Java EE open source application server and the reference implementation of the Java EE 7.
I downloaded Eclipse Juno a while ago but until now used its Java SE perspective only. Today I downloaded GlassFish 4 …
eclipse glassfish eclipse-juno glassfish-4 java-ee-7I'm trying to debug glassfish 4 application in IntelliJ IDEA12.1 and am getting the following: D:\tools\glassfish4\glassfish\bin\asadmin.…
java intellij-idea glassfish glassfish-4Glassfish lets to set the SSL certificate nickname through its admin console as it is highlighted in the pic below: …
java ssl glassfish glassfish-4 glassfish-4.1If I put a Java 8 Lambda expression in a REST service, it crashes. If I remove the lambda expression, it …
java lambda glassfish java-8 glassfish-4In the new Glassfish 4.1 the package javax.enterprise.context containing annotation SessionScoped for instance is missing.
cdi glassfish-4The glassfish administation guide states that JVM options ought to be added with asadmin create-jvm-options -Dkey=value:-Dkey=value (https://…
glassfish-4 asadminI'm talking about the basic usage here: @Stateless public class BookServiceBean implements BookService { @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; public void create(Book …
java multithreading jpa glassfish-4I want to call a procedure using JPA with SYS_REFCURSOR like OUT parameter. This is very easy using plain …
java plsql eclipselink sys-refcursor glassfish-4I have a dynamic web project in Eclipse which I run on Glassfish4. In the project, there is an index.…
java jsp jakarta-ee glassfish-4I am using hibernate-search 5.5.4.Final with hibernate-entitymanager 5.0.9 (matched with hibernate-core 5.0.9). But when i deployed the ejb maven module on glassfish 4.1. …
hibernate ejb-3.1 hibernate-search glassfish-4