GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories
I am using gitpython to clone a git repository over HTTPS. If the project is a private repo, it will …
python git gitpythonGiven a repo from GitPython, how can I create a new local branch, add some files, and push it to …
python git gitpythonWell the title is self explanatory. What will be the python code equivalent to running git reset --hard (on terminal) …
python git gitpythonI am using GitPython to clone a repository from a Gitlab server. git.Repo.clone_from(gitlab_ssh_URL, local_…
python git gitpythonIn a python script, I try to create and push a tag to origin on a git repository. I use …
python git gitpythonI am trying o grasp gitpython module, hcommit = repo.head.commit tdiff = hcommit.diff('HEAD~1') but tdiff = hcommit.diff(…
python git gitpython