Top "Gitpython" questions

GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories

How to download single file from a git repository using python

I want to download single file from my git repository using python. Currently I am using gitpython lib. Git clone …

python python-3.x git gitpython
How to clone from specific branch from Git using Gitpython

I tried to clone a repository from git using GitPython in python function. I used GitPython library for cloning from …

python git gitpython
How to checkout a tag with GitPython

In a python script, I try to checkout a tag after cloning a git repository. I use GitPython 0.3.2. #!/usr/bin/…

python git gitpython
Python os.getlogin problem

If i create a file like: import os print os.getlogin() and run it with cron, I get an exception …

python gitpython
GitPython tags sorted

I am trying to get the latest tag in the repo using GitPython lib. Usually I was doing it this …

python git sorting tags gitpython
get short sha of commit with gitpython

The long SHA can be gotten like below: repo = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True) sha = repo.head.object.hexsha …

python git gitpython
How to push to remote repo with GitPython

I have to clone a set of projects from one repository and push it then to a remote repository automatically. …

python git gitpython
gitpython: Command syntax for git commit

with using gitpython module, I am writing python script to check git diff --> git add of all modified …

python git python-2.7 gitpython
git push using python

I have local git repository. I am using python to commit the local repo using gitpython library. I want to …

git python-3.x git-push gitpython
How to git fetch using gitpython?

I am looking for a equivalent way to fetch in gitpython git fetch --quiet --all How can I perform git …

python git gitpython