Top "Gitlab-ci-runner" questions

This is GitLab Runner repository, this application run tests and sends the results to GitLab CI.

Trigger jobs in gitlab-ci on merge request

It's posible run a job from gitlab-ci only on merge request? Now, we have a big monolitic project with heavy …

gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
How to avoid reinstalling dependencies for each job in Gitlab CI

I'm using Gitlab CI 8.0 with gitlab-ci-multi-runner 0.6.0. I have a .gitlab-ci.yml file similar to the following: before_script: - npm …

gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
gitlab: Runner is offline, last contact was about some hours ago

recently my runners have been stopped and I don't know why? I've just upgraded nodejs on the server and it …

gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
Gitlab CI - Failed to register runner

I've setup my gitlab installation from source, secured it with letsencrypt and deployed it under I …

continuous-integration gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner gitlab-8
GitLab-Runner "listen_address not defined" error

I'm running a Laravel api on my server, and I wanted to use Gitlab-runner for CD. The first two runs …

linux gitlab yaml gitlab-ci-runner
GitLab CI Start job manually (deployment)

Is it possible to mark gitlab ci jobs to start manually? I need it for deploying application but I want …

gitlab continuous-deployment gitlab-ci continuous-delivery gitlab-ci-runner
Configure runner to run multiple jobs at the same time

When having one gitlab runner serving multiple projects, it can only run one CI pipeline while the other project pipelines …

gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
./ not working on gitlab ci

My problem is the bash script I created got this error "/bin/sh: eval: line 88: ./ not found" on …

bash continuous-integration gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
yarn command not found in gitlab ci

I am trying to configure my gitlab-ci to use yarn install instead of npm install My current gitlab-ci.yml looks …

node.js npm gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner yarnpkg
How do travis-ci and gitlab-ci compare?

As far as I understand, the main difference is that gitlab-ci is opensource (you can install it on your own …

travis-ci gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner