Top "Git-workflow" questions

Git workflow is a guideline to branching and merging in git.

Create a branch in Git from another branch

I have two branches: master and dev I want to create a "feature branch" from the dev branch. Currently on …

git git-branch git-workflow git-flow
git + LaTeX workflow

I'm writing a very long document in LaTeX. I have my work computer and my laptop, and I work on …

git latex git-workflow
Gitflow feature vs bugfix branch naming

While using Gitflow, what is the reason for separating branch naming to feature vs bugfix vs hotfix? I.e. why …

branch git-flow git-workflow
setting up git repository on local machine

How can I setup a git repository on a local system ? (I am on a windoze box) This is the …

git git-workflow
Git workflow diagram creation is done through a graph/flowchart design tool?

When I look at most of the websites people demonstrate their git workflow in pictorial fashion. I would like to …

Git workflow without a server

Git is supposed to be a decentralized system, but all the tutorials and best practice workflows I have found on …

git git-workflow
What are the pros and cons of using a trunk-based Vs feature-based workflow in Git?

I pretty much like the idea of the feature-based workflow in Git: using feature branches to support parallel development. In …

git git-workflow
Pushing to remote branch for pull request

I am lost in different articles and stackoverflow questions and I am unable to put my head around to figure …

git branch git-workflow
How do I reverse a specific hunk of a commit in git?

I'm wondering if there is a way to quickly reverse specific hunk of a commit. I can generate a diff …

git git-workflow