Top "Git-status" questions

Shows which files in a Git repository have been modified and/or staged and what state they are in since the last commit

git untracked files - how to ignore

When I run git status, I see the "Untracked files" section has many files (some with a "." extension.) I don't …

git version-control dvcs gitignore git-status
How to remove deleted files from showing up in my local git status?

A developer added an image directory on the server without adding that folder to the .gitignore file. When I did …

git github git-status
How to make git status show only staged files

I would like to get a list of only the staged filenames. I can't find the equivalent flag for --name-only …

git git-status
Git refuses to reset/discard files

I have a project with certain js files which I cannot update. I run OSX locally and my remote/staging …

git git-status
git: Why doesn't git diff show any differences?

If I run 'git status' on my repo it gives: # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset …

git git-diff git-status
Is there a way to tell git-status to ignore the effects of .gitignore files?

I have configured numerous .gitignore files to filter out many different unwanted files from a set of about 6,000 untracked files. …

git gitignore git-status
git: programmatically know by how much the branch is ahead/behind a remote branch

I would like to extract the information that is printed after a git status, which looks like: # On branch master # …

git git-status
git status shows modifications even with autocrlf=false

I'm experiencing the same issues as in this question: git status shows modifications, git checkout -- <file> doesn't …

git revert git-status core.autocrlf
Git: automatic fetching from remote repositories?

One irritating thing I find about using command line Git is having to manually sync my repository with remote repositories. …

git git-merge git-status
Entire computer in Git status untracked files

I'm new to git and I think I accidentally cloned in the root directory. When I committed one file (index.…

git git-status