A developer added an image directory on the server without adding that folder to the .gitignore file. When I did a git pull it pulled those files (hundreds of files). I added the folder to the .gitignore on the server but not my local system. I then deleted the files locally (permanently). When I do a git status all those deleted files still show up. How can I suppress them from showing up?
Update: thanks for all the great help. To make sure there is no misunderstanding: I do want to keep the files on the server; I just want to remove them from git.
I find this to be the easiest way of doing the task.
$> git add -u <directory-path> (or you may use --update)
Original State :
$> git status .
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
deleted: .ipynb_checkpoints/Untitled-checkpoint.ipynb
deleted: CVPR 1 hr tute-Backup.ipynb
deleted: cifar10-test.t7
deleted: cifar10-train.t7
deleted: cifar10torchsmall.zip
deleted: create_advr.lua
deleted: criterion_cifar10_lr_0.001_epoch_13.t7
deleted: train_cifar10.lua
deleted: trained_net_cifar10_lr_0.001_epoch_13.t7
So, to remove all deleted files from my current directory, I use.
$> git add -u .
$> git commit -m "removing deleted files from tracking"
$> git push origin master
Final State :
$> git status .
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Hope this helps :)