Top "Git-remote" questions

git-remote is a command used to manage the set of tracked remote repositories.

Why do I get error: RPC failed; result=52, HTTP code = 0 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly when pushing to github?

I created a new repository on github and wanted to push some files. So I initialize the repository like normal …

git github push git-remote
"Proper" way to pull git "production branch" to production server

I'm quite new to Git, and have read the Pro Git book @ My question …

git github git-pull git-remote
Git add a worktree from existing remote branch

In my remote repository there are 3 branches (master and 2 long running branches): master #the common features are here like Core, …

git git-branch git-remote git-worktree
how can I do a git pull in the gitg / gitx visual tool?

I can do a push using gitg and push my code to the remote master branch but I can't see …

git git-remote gitx gitg
What is the difference between 'origin' and 'remote' in git commands?

In git lingo, are origin and remote the same thing? Or does origin refer to the local directory? In the …

git git-remote
"src refspec does not match" and "failed to push some refs" errors on git push

Possible Duplicate: Error when “git push” to github I tried to push my new branch (let's just call it new_…

git git-branch git-push git-remote
How to create a new remote branch with EGit?

Let's say I have an Eclipse Project which uses versioning control with EGit and is connected with a remote repository …

branch egit git-remote
How do I get `git clone --recursive` to recreate submodules' remotes and branches?

I have a project with a handful of submodules. Many of them are cloned from a GitHub fork to which …

git git-submodules git-clone cloning git-remote
Rebase remote branch onto master while keeping the remote branch updated

I am trying to rebase my remote branch onto master, but I want to keep the remote branch pointing to …

git rebase git-remote
Git create remote repository on push

I have been trying to figure this one out but I am having a hard time doing so. I am …

git git-push git-remote git-config