Top "Git-remote" questions

git-remote is a command used to manage the set of tracked remote repositories.

Why am I merging "remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop"?

I'm the only one in my organization who's making commits with the following message: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into …

git branching-and-merging git-merge git-remote
How do I add a remote Git repository to an Ubuntu Server?

I have created a Git repository on my Desktop machine (Windows 7) with: git init git add <all my files&…

git ssh repository git-remote ubuntu-server
What is the difference between git push origin and git push origin master

Is there any difference in pushing the master branch of a local git repository to the master branch of a …

git git-push git-remote
How can I tell which remote "parent" branch my branch is based on?

I have a scenario in which there a several remote tracking branches within my local repository that I must sync …

git git-remote git-status
git push to remote branch

Folks, I had cloned a repo. I created a branch out of it to work on a feature by issuing …

git version-control git-branch git-push git-remote
Completely remove files from Git repo and remote on GitHub

I accidentally added a folder of images and committed. Then, I made one more commit. Then I removed those files …

git git-remote git-filter-branch git-rm
Git push to live server

We have a website that has all its PHP/HTML/JS/CSS/etc files stored in a Git repository. We …

git deployment push git-push git-remote
Merge two remote branches in a Git repository

I have one remote repository with many branches. For example, my repository name is: Its …

git merge git-branch branching-and-merging git-remote
How to view remote Git revision on Heroku

For deploying to Heroku, I use git push heroku master. But how do I see which revision I pushed up …

git heroku git-remote
How to handle git gc fatal: bad object refs/remotes/origin/HEAD error?

I randomly hit this today while trying to run Git garbage collect: $ git gc fatal: bad object refs/remotes/origin/…

git git-remote git-fetch git-gc