Top "Git-push" questions

Pushes the changes from a local Git repo to remote

Does GIT support push to an ftp server?

I believe git ftp support is a somewhat recent addition, but the git push docs do clearly state that "Git …

git ftp git-push
Cannot push tags in Git

I am unable to push the annotated tag in my git remote repository. All the access permission have been provided …

git gerrit git-push
git push fatal: unable to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable

I'm new to git. I'm want to push a large commit to a remote server but the problem is when …

git git-push
"src refspec does not match" and "failed to push some refs" errors on git push

Possible Duplicate: Error when “git push” to github I tried to push my new branch (let's just call it new_…

git git-branch git-push git-remote
Disable push to specific branches on GitHub

I have some Git private repositories on a GitHub company account, and I don't want anybody to push on some …

git github git-push
"git push" and "git push --tags" in the same command?

I usually run: git push git tag v4.7 git push --tags Both the first and third operations connect to the …

git git-push git-tag
Git create remote repository on push

I have been trying to figure this one out but I am having a hard time doing so. I am …

git git-push git-remote git-config
When I do "git push", what do the statistics mean? (Total, delta, etc.)

Here is an example: $ git push -u myserver master Counting objects: 22, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), …

git git-push
Git pull from someone else's fork

We are two students working on our online repository (different repo) that is forked from a common upstream repo. Let's …

git git-commit git-push git-pull git-fork
What is the difference between "git push" and "git push origin master"?

After a git commit, I have two options: git push git push origin master My intent is to push my …

git github git-push