Top "Git-push" questions

Pushes the changes from a local Git repo to remote

What is the difference between git push origin and git push origin master

Is there any difference in pushing the master branch of a local git repository to the master branch of a …

git git-push git-remote
How can I recover from an erronous git push -f origin master?

I just committed the wrong source to my project using --force option. Is it possible to revert? I understand that …

git git-commit git-push
git push --force-with-lease vs. --force

I am trying to understand the difference between git push --force and git push --force-with-lease My guess is that the …

git git-push
What does "Auto packing the repository for optimum performance" mean?

I'm having a problem with my git repo. For the last couple of days whenever I do a push to …

git git-rebase git-push
git push to remote branch

Folks, I had cloned a repo. I created a branch out of it to work on a feature by issuing …

git version-control git-branch git-push git-remote
What are the consequences of using receive.denyCurrentBranch in Git?

I have a Git repository. I have cloned the repository and can commit my local changes. When I push my …

git git-push git-config git-non-bare-repository
Git prevents pushing after amending a commit

Usually, I just run git add file git commit git push but if I amend the commit before pushing it (…

git git-push git-commit git-amend
Git push to live server

We have a website that has all its PHP/HTML/JS/CSS/etc files stored in a Git repository. We …

git deployment push git-push git-remote
Meaning of the GitHub message: push declined due to email privacy restrictions

I have accepted and merged a pull request on GitHub, and now I cannot pull my commits any more. The …

git github git-push privacy-policy
How to push to a non-bare Git repository?

I usually work on a remote server via ssh (screen and vim), where I have a Git repository. Sometimes I'm …

git git-push git-non-bare-repository