Top "Git-gui" questions

A Tcl/Tk based graphical user interface to Git.

Git Warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF

I am using Git gui. I see this error for several files in a folder. I have two choice buttons …

git git-gui
Git Gui: Perpetually getting "This repository currently has approximately 320 loose objects."

Every time I start Git Gui on a particular project I get this message: This repository currently has approximately 320 loose …

git git-gui
Set UTF-8 display for Git GUI differences window

I can't remember how I made Git GUI to display UTF-8 encoded differences correctly. Also I can't find the guide …

git utf-8 diff git-diff git-gui
Git gui for windows checkout, branching, commit and pull changes

Since last 5 years i have been working with SVN and i am new boy to GIT i have few confusions …

git git-gui github-for-windows
How to ignore files using git-gui (tcl-tk) application?

I'm using the git-gui interface to manage my git project. Despite being ugly –tcl-tk– it's one of the most complete …

git gitignore git-gui
How do I stage all files at once in Git Gui?

I have just created a GIT on a folder. I now want to add the contents of that folder by "…

git staging git-gui
How can I commit many new files with git gui without clicking each of it?

I have a ton of new files to commit. Clicking each one in git gui (Windows) to stage is annoying. …

git git-gui git-commit
How to untrack files (git and git GUI)

I am using git GUI (together with Git bash). Now, I know if I want to ignore files for git …

git git-gui
Removing files using Git GUI

Is there any way to remove a file using git gui then commit and push?

git git-gui
Does TortoiseGit allow selective staging, like git-gui?

This question: Can you interact with the index/staging area with TortoiseGit? takes the position that TortoiseGit's main function is …

git tortoisegit git-gui