Top "Ggvis" questions

The goal of ggvis is to make it easy to describe interactive web graphics in R. It fuses the ideas of ggplot2 and shiny, rendering graphics on the web with vega (so one can draw on the canvas or using svg).

R Conditional evaluation when using the pipe operator %>%

When using the pipe operator %>% with packages such as dplyr, ggvis, dycharts, etc, how do I do a step …

r dplyr ggvis magrittr
Interactive scatter plots in R, overlay/hover summary/tooltip as user supplied plot function

I have been looking into interactive plots in R. I know that there are several packages to create interactive plots, …

r ggplot2 plotly ggvis
Rstudio shiny ggvis tooltip on mouse hover

In the example below, I have an interactive shiny ggvis plot, but I added a long column that is a …

r shiny ggvis
Adjusting x limits xlim() in ggplot2 geom_density() to mimic ggvis layer_densities() behavior

Is there a way to make ggplot2's geom_density() function mimic the behavior of ggvis's layer_densities()? That is, …

r ggplot2 ggvis