getattr is a Python built-in function used to access a named attribute on an object.
I have one object wrapped inside another. The "Wrapper" accesses the attributes from the "Wrapped" object by overriding __getattr__. This …
python getattrI am trying to create a subclass which acts as a list of custom classes. However, I want the list …
python getattr getattributeI am editing to work with .cif files for protein structures. Inside the existing, there is …
python function getattrThe example below is from a REST database driver on Python 2.7. In the __setattr__ method below, if I use the …
python python-2.7 getattrI can't make the function getattr work. Here is my code: print ConfigConsModel()._meta.get_all_field_names() #['codesectrepmodel', 'configCons', …
django getattrI want to dynamically query which objects from a class I would like to retrieve. getattr seems like what I …
python dictionary getattrGiven the following class (with a buggy property) then what is the best foolproof way of checking that the bar …
python properties attributes getattr hasattrConsider the following code example (python 2.7): class Parent: def __init__(self, child): self.child = child def __getattr__(self, attr): print("…
python function inheritance arguments getattr