Top "Geonames" questions

Geonames refers to a database / webservice to query various geographic data items such as names of places, latitude, longitude, elevation, population in various languages.

Getting Time Zone from Lat Long Coordinates?

I am trying to get the time zones for latitude and longitude coordinates but am having a few problems The …

python timezone latitude-longitude geonames
JQuery Map and JSON - Getting Sub Array Elements

I'm using JQuery to get city data from geonames. My problem is when I want to extract the value for …

jquery json geonames
Importing data from database into MySQL DB

Does anyone how to import a data into my database? The one i'm trying to import is http://…

mysql geonames
How to get the nearby cities of a city(geonameid) in python?

Given a radius of 100 KM from the base city(geonameid) i need to find the nearby cities. My script is …

python google-maps-api-3 geolocation geonames
How to get country code information using geonames service api not the html5 location object thing

I am trying to get the country code of the user's current location using Geonames Servcie API. And I believe …

javascript jquery html geolocation geonames
How to use geonames API to get city name?

How can i search the geonames using their API and get city name and coordinates? Link to their API

c# xml windows-phone-7 geonames
deserialize json string for multiple results

I am using Json.Net however when I go to deserialize the following json I get that Json cannot deserialize …

c# json geonames