Top "Geom-text" questions

`geom_text` is the geometric object description for creating text-labels in a plot in `ggplot2`

Alternate geom_text position with hjust

I'm plotting a stacked bar graph and use geom_text to insert the value of each stack. The difficulty I'm …

r ggplot2 geom-text
Left-justify geom_text layer with ggplot2

ggplot2 automatically centers the text in a geom_text layer. For example: library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) df <- data_…

r ggplot2 geom-text
Geom_text with two labels in ggplot graph

I'm struggling with an additional label that I would like to add to my ggplot graph. Here is my data …

r ggplot2 label point geom-text
annotate boxplot in ggplot2

I've created a side-by-side boxplot using ggplot2. p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=factor(cyl), y=mpg)) p + geom_…

r ggplot2 boxplot geom-text
R ggplot2: add text to geom_tiles

I need to show the results of a clustering. For demo, please see library(ggplot2) df = data.frame(cluster=c(1,1,2,2,2,3),…

r ggplot2 geom-text
R: Adding number of observation on the barplot with geom_text

I know that this question has been asked very often, but I tried all the method I found and none …

r ggplot2 geom-bar geom-text