Top "Gensim" questions

Gensim is a free Python framework designed to automatically extract semantic topics from documents, as efficiently (computer-wise) and painlessly (human-wise) as possible.

Gensim word2vec in python3 missing vocab

I'm using gensim implementation of Word2Vec. I have the following code snippet: print('training model') model = Word2Vec(Sentences(…

python gensim word2vec
How to Train GloVe algorithm on my own corpus

I tried to follow this. But some how I wasted a lot of time ending up with nothing useful. I …

nlp stanford-nlp gensim word2vec glove
gensim Doc2Vec vs tensorflow Doc2Vec

I'm trying to compare my implementation of Doc2Vec (via tf) and gensims implementation. It seems atleast visually that the …

python tensorflow nlp gensim doc2vec
stopword removing when using the word2vec

I have been trying word2vec for a while now using the gensim's word2vec library. My question is do …

nlp gensim word2vec
LDA model generates different topics everytime i train on the same corpus

I am using python gensim to train an Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model from a small corpus of 231 sentences. However, …

python nlp lda topic-modeling gensim
How to predict the topic of a new query using a trained LDA model using gensim?

I have trained a corpus for LDA topic modelling using gensim. Going through the tutorial on the gensim website (this …

python nlp lda topic-modeling gensim
How to use the infer_vector in gensim.doc2vec?

def cosine(vector1,vector2): cosV12 =, vector2) / (linalg.norm(vector1) * linalg.norm(vector2)) return cosV12 model=gensim.models.…

python gensim doc2vec
Does Gensim library support GPU acceleration?

Using Word2vec and Doc2vec methods provided by Gensim, they have a distributed version which uses BLAS, ATLAS, etc …

optimization gpu gensim deeplearning4j
Using a Word2Vec model pre-trained on wikipedia

I need to use gensim to get vector representations of words, and I figure the best thing to use would …

wikipedia gensim word2vec
word2vec lemmatization of corpus before training

Word2vec seems to be mostly trained on raw corpus data. However, lemmatization is a standard preprocessing for many semantic …

nlp word2vec gensim lemmatization