Top "General-network-error" questions

android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException for webservice (ksoap)

I am new to android programming and trying to use webservice in this sample program: I use Android 4.1 and my …

java android eclipse web-services general-network-error

This is the code snippet that I use final WebView webVu=(WebView)findViewById(; webVu.loadUrl("someURL"); webVu.…

android webview general-network-error
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id:0) Error: network error in react native

Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id:0) Error: network error in react native import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {View,Text} from …

android react-native android-emulator general-network-error
General network error after a night of inactivity

For some time now our flagship application has been having mysterious errors. The error message is the generic [DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (…

sql-server general-network-error
AJAX 403 forbidden when making ajax request

The website initiates ajax request but always get return 403 error for all browsers. I tested it by initiating the same …

ajax general-network-error
React Native Expo: Network error on android

I'm using axios in my app. When I make a post request for the very first time after opening the …

android react-native axios fetch general-network-error