Top "Gcc5" questions

Version 5.x of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection).

How to Install gcc 5.3 with yum on CentOS 7.2?

I am using CentOS 7.2 When I use yum groupinstall "Development Tools", gcc version is 4.8.5, like this: I would like to …

gcc installation centos7 yum gcc5
How to install GCC 5.1 on Linux (Ubuntu)

I'd like to experiment with the new GCC 5.1 C++ compiler on Ubuntu. How can I install GCC 5.1 on Ubuntu? I'd …

c++ linux ubuntu gcc gcc5
Is C++17 std::shared_mutex not available yet?

Looking at C++ compiler support, it appears that the untimed version of std::shared_mutex is available in GCC 5.0+. However, …

c++ mutex libstdc++ c++17 gcc5
Valgrind Unrecognised instruction

I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <random> int main() { std::mt19937_64 rng(std::random_…

c++ valgrind libstdc++ gcc5
Can't compile C++11 source using GCC 5.1 toolchain

I'm trying to compile a library written with C++11 features using GCC 5.1 on Ubuntu. However, it complains std::unique_ptr …

c++ c++11 gcc5