Top "Gcc4" questions

Version 4.x of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection).

How do I install imagemagick with homebrew?

I'm trying to install Imagemagick on OSX Lion but something is not working as expected. -> brew install imagemagick /…

git gcc homebrew osx-lion gcc4
How to get CMake to pass either std=c++14/c++1y or c++17/c++1z based on GCC version?

GCC 4.x doesn't accept the --std=c++14 switch for C++14 code - it takes --std=c++1y instead. Later versions …

c++ cmake c++14 gcc4
memory alignment within gcc structs

I am porting an application to an ARM platform in C, the application also runs on an x86 processor, and …

c gcc memory-management arm gcc4
Why do I get cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-arch"?

/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/ SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf /usr/bin/make -f nbproject/ dist/Debug/GNU-MacOSX/cppapplication_1 …

c++ macos gcc g++ gcc4
C++: nested class of a template class

Consider the following code: template < typename T > struct A { struct B { }; }; template < typename T > void f( …

c++ templates gcc nested-class gcc4
What is wrong with this use of offsetof?

I'm compiling some c++ code in MinGW GCC 4.4.0, and getting warnings with the following form... warning: invalid access to non-static …

c++ gcc gcc4
Why does sqrt() work fine on an int variable if it is not defined for an int?

In chapter 3 of Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ (sixth printing), Stroustrup states (p.68): "Note that sqrt() is not defined …

c++ gcc g++ gcc4 gcc-4.2
gcc complains: variable-sized object may not be initialized

I've looked at these and they do not answer my question: variable-sized object may not be initialized C compile error: "…

c gcc gcc4
Error linking with gcc

I've try to compile this code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; #define ARRAY_TAM 2 …

c++ gcc linker gcc4
Error compiling the compiler GCC

I know, it's an irony to compile a compiler. But I need a specific version of this compiler, and the …

gcc makefile centos centos5 gcc4