How to alias a function name in Fortran

Samuel Tan picture Samuel Tan · Dec 23, 2011 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

Not sure if the title is well put. Suggestions welcome.

Here's what I want to do. Check a condition, and then decide which function to use in a loop. For example:

if (a < 0) then
    loop_func = func1
    loop_func = func2

I can then use loop_func as a pointer when writing my loop. Both functions take exactly the same inputs, and are different approaches on tackling the problem based on the value of a. This will allow me to only have one block of code, instead of two nearly identical blocks. This could apply to subroutines too.

Any ideas how this might be implemented?

Thank you.


M. S. B. picture M. S. B. · Dec 23, 2011

Yes, Fortran has procedure pointers, so you can in effect alias a function name. Here is a code example which assigns to the function pointer "f_ptr" one function or the other. Thereafter the program can use "f_ptr" and the selected function will be invoked.

module ExampleFuncs

   implicit none


function f1 (x)
  real :: f1
  real, intent (in) :: x

  f1 = 2.0 * x

end function f1

function f2 (x)
   real :: f2
   real, intent (in) :: x

   f2 = 3.0 * x**2

end function f2

end module ExampleFuncs

program test_func_ptrs

    use ExampleFuncs
    implicit none

   abstract interface
      function func (z)
         real :: func
         real, intent (in) :: z
      end function func
   end interface

   procedure (func), pointer :: f_ptr => null ()

   real :: input

   write (*, '( / "Input test value: ")', advance="no" )
   read (*, *) input

   if ( input < 0 ) then
      f_ptr => f1
      f_ptr => f2
   end if

   write (*, '(/ "evaluate function: ", ES14.4 )' )  f_ptr (input)


end program test_func_ptrs