How do you find Leapyear in VBA?

Lance Roberts picture Lance Roberts · Sep 24, 2008 · Viewed 20.8k times · Source

What is a good implementation of a IsLeapYear function in VBA?

Edit: I ran the if-then and the DateSerial implementation with iterations wrapped in a timer, and the DateSerial was quicker on the average by 1-2 ms (5 runs of 300 iterations, with 1 average cell worksheet formula also working).


Lance Roberts picture Lance Roberts · Sep 24, 2008
Public Function isLeapYear(Yr As Integer) As Boolean  

    ' returns FALSE if not Leap Year, TRUE if Leap Year  

    isLeapYear = (Month(DateSerial(Yr, 2, 29)) = 2)  

End Function  

I originally got this function from Chip Pearson's great Excel site.

Pearson's site