Top "Ftpwebrequest" questions

A .NET Framework class, implementing an File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client.

FTP "ls -lt" command: How does it list the file details for Linux FTP and Windows FTP server?

I am writing FTP client that should work for at least Windows and Linux FTPs. BUt before I proceed, I …

linux ftp ftp-client ftpwebrequest ftp-server
C# Download all files and subdirectories through FTP

General Info I'm still in the process of learning C#. To help myself out, I'm trying to create a program …

c# .net ftp ftpwebrequest
Set Port number when using FtpWebRequest in C#

I keep getting a exception when I try to FTP to my Win 2008 Server from C# code using VS2008 as …

c# ftpwebrequest
The remote server returned an error: 227 Entering Passive Mode (500 oops vs_utility_recv_peek: no data)

I am having a problem connecting a Windows service to an FTP site. I inherited a Windows service from another …

c# .net ftp ftpwebrequest
Retrieving creation date of file (FTP)

I'm using the System.Net.FtpWebRequest class and my code is as follows: FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("ftp://example.…

c# ftp ftpwebrequest
using ftpWebRequest with an error: the remote server returned error 530 not logged in

I am trying to use the ftpWebRequest in c# my code is // Get the object used to communicate with the …

c# ftpwebrequest
How to improve the Performance of FtpWebRequest?

I have an application written in .NET 3.5 that uses FTP to upload/download files from a server. The app works …

.net ftp ftpwebrequest
How to detect working internet connection in C#?

I have a C# code that basically uploads a file via FTP protocol (using FtpWebRequest). I'd like, however, to first …

c# ftpwebrequest internet-connection
How can we show progress bar for upload with FtpWebRequest

I am uploading files to ftp using FtpWebRequest. I need to show the status that how much is done. So …

c# winforms ftp progress-bar ftpwebrequest
Upload file and download file from FTP

I am trying to make a program that uploads/downloads .exe file to a FTP I tried using FtpWebRequest, but …

c# upload ftp download ftpwebrequest